Solar Eclipse Sadhana
SOLAR ECLIPSE : 21st June 2020
Rishikesh 10:24:17 eclipse began
12:05:55 Max Annular
13:51:21 Eclipse ends
[Note : You can check the eclipse timings in your respective time-zones and Locations.] You need to search your location it will show exact timings
Shutak Kaal will start 12 hour before the eclipse. Details are given in the paragraphs below.
Secrets of Eclipse
Eclipse is the golden period for Yogis Sadhaks and Spiritual seekers as on cosmic level IDA PINGALA comes in one line and Shusumna begins at all level Bhu Bhuwah and Swaha due to this the subtle energy channel gets open and activated till Ajana and Shastrar Chakra. All the dimensions from Bhu Loka Mooladhara chakra to Satyaloka Sahastrara vibrates with the same frequency. Physical breath also becomes Shushumna. Any mantra chanting vibrates at all levels and a sadhak achieves a level of perfection of that mantra. One Mala mantra japa gives effect of crores of mala as it vibrates the mantra in all loka with same frequency. This is a rare opportunity for Yogis and Shadhaks. We are the results of 5 elements which are the different patterns of breath. Breath is the manifestation of Shiva and Shakti the cause and effect of the universe. Breath is the common energy where everything manifests. Breath is the cause of creation, dissolution and sustenance. There are various dimensions of breath which are connected with the different dimensions of Time known as Kaal. Sun and Moon are the two aspects of creation and two aspects of time dimension. Sun and Moon are present in every human being as two prana marga the pathway of prana known as Pingala and IDA. When they become one or at balance state or causal state then prana moves in third channel sushumna the balance state of Pingala and IDA. When this phenomena happens on a cosmic level known as eclipse where naturally two Nadis align and opens the third nadi Shushumna at all the levels of our existence.
So any practices connected with Atmanubhuti has permanent lasting effect because it impacts all dimensions and the vibrations remain forever. Whether it is mantra chanting, mantra Japa, Stotram, Nama Japa, Meditation or any other form of occult practices all becomes perfected in eclipse time. This time is so precious that a moment should not be spent in worldly affairs. That is what all shubh karya is prohibited. Temples are closed so people do not ask anything worldly in their sankalpa to God. It will have an adverse effect. Only one thing is fruitful is Sadhana for moksha or for Atma Darshan for Pasupati for Shiva and the Supreme Self. Nothing other than this gives results. Chant every mantra for Atma Anubhuti or grace to achieve that. All mantra becomes awakened in eclipse time because the two energy which is responsible for externalizing the Soul goes for hibernation or not active and the spiritual force awakened this time. Prana moves into subtle nadis and goes to Shiva Tattwa Mahakaal. When anything touches the dimension of Mahakaal Shiva tattva that gets blessed by Mahakaal and starts showing the strength for the purpose it was done.
There are a lot of misconceptions about eclipse today. People think eclipse is a dangerous celestial activity. Our tv channels and newspapers are full of scary combinations of the outcome of the eclipse. How it will impact etc. In the material world they are right to an extent because eclipse gives negative and sometimes destructive results on material auspicious activity. I have explained the reason behind it above.
As the sun, moon and earth come into an alignment at this juncture of time — the energy level is too high and very conducive for meditation, prayer and other spiritual practices.
This is the time of alignment of Sushumna Nadi and Akash Tattwa at Three levels Physical Subtle and Causal. All the loka are open. The Main Pranic passage is fully open from Manipur to Shasrara. Any mantra Chanting will reverberate to all levels of existence and at all loka and Bhuwanas simultaneously. Yogis wait for this opportunity. Start Preparation for eclipse sadhana now. This is the most secret knowledge shared to all for the benefit of humanity and Shadhaks.
Why we should not eat. Because all the prana moves to sushumna and all loka vibrate with the same frequency. All higher centers are open on their own. Our Metabolism and Digestive system goes in Hibernation. Eating will create inner chaos and disturbances in the eternal process. Changes of prana starts from sutak kaal and all the energy starts running towards higher centers. This time is very conducive for Sadhana. Do not miss it. Utilize fully.
Whatever you do at this time has tremendous manifold effects. There are thousands of seekers who sit in meditation and do chanting etc during this time. Thus, it becomes very easy to focus and concentrate the mind due to the sheer force of mass-spiritual undercurrent. Those who are regular in meditation can feel the vibes easily. This is the time when many herbs and medicinal plants etc are collected by the experts from the jungle and mountains. They sincerely await throughout the year for such rare opportunities to come. Try to make the best use of such rare opportunities.
You can meditate, chant a mantra, read a holy book, observe silence and spend time with yourself. Please avoid negative thoughts, unnecessary talk, arguments & watching TV etc. If you have health issues or you are an aged person, or children have light diets like fruits or milk etc and do not overload the stomach with heavy food items during the sutak Kaal period. It’s better to observe fast and give rest to the system. 1 hour before and During eclipse must avoid eating if possible.
Shutak Kaal starting Time is – 20th June 2020 9:15 pm or as per our location timings. Do the sutak Snanam. Start Fasting, do not eat, use the entire period till the end of eclipse for Sadhana. No material auspicious work during the entire Sutak kala to end the eclipse.
Shutak Kaal Nadi is Pingala Tattwa Water Earth
Swara Sadhana is Must – Sunrise Sunset rising on bed. Moonrise Must be set correctly.
21st June Get up in Brahma Muhurta at 4 am is Must or 3 am is ideal. As sutak kaal is going on it is highly conducive for Sadhana and this too will give long lasting results. It is better to sleep at 9 pm on 20th June so that you can rise early.
Moon Rise IDA Tattwa Earth Water, as moon rise is not visible in 24 hour 5 am to sunrise time 21st IDA must flow. So before sunrise one hour for moon rise flow IDA till few minutes before sunrise and change Pingala for sunrise.
Sunrise Swara : Pingala Tattwa – Earth All the levels Physical Subtle and Causal, Mooladhara Chakra Shuddhi Half an Hour
Prana Apana Sadhana – For advance Swara Yogis – Prana Apana and Saman Èxhale and taking it to Shiva Tattwa merging to Sristi back to Samana and Inhale
Grahan Kaal Starting Time – 21st June 2020 09: 15 am or as per your location
Nadi – Pingala Tattwa Akash, During the eclipse Nadi Sushumna will be happening on its own. Sadhana and Mantra Shiddhi hour, Mouna each moment Sadhana and Guru Mantra
7th Swara : Shushumna in Full strength mostly it will flow by its own where the eclipse is annular or close to allunar. How much sun is covered based on sushumna will flow.
Grahan Kaal Ending Time is – 21st June 2020 3:04 am or as per your location
Nadi will change from Sushumna to IDA or change manually Flow Earth element Pran Apan and Saman Sadhana
Bath at Holy river or pond or last resort Bathroom.
Do Annaya Danaam, etc.
Sunset Swara : Ida Earth Chakra Shuddhi , Prana Apana Sadhana of IDA same as above Inhalation exhalation changes.
Suggested Sadhana
Chanting 32 Name of Durga 32 Times
1 mala Gayatri Mantra
1 Mala Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
1 Mala Om Namah Shivaya
If you have Guru Mantra continue as instructed or do Om Namah Shivaya 11 mala.
If you chant regularly Lalita Shastranama or Durga Saptasati, Vishnu Shastranaam or Rudram Chamkam you can do one complete chanting.
Aditya Hridayam
Surya Mandal Strota
Siddha Kunjika Strota
Tantrokta Devi Shuktam
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Baan
Gita Chanting specially 12 and 15 chapter
Meditation Chakra Shuddhi as long as you get time apart form Mantra Japa and your regular chantings.
Pranayama Nadi Shuddhi
Free Yoga Day Open Session on Zoom
From 4 to 5 pm Yoga Nidra
6 pm to 7:30 pm Asana Pranayama
7:30 to 8 pm Meditation